2023 Payson City Council
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
The results of a ranked-choice voting election. | Download Raw Summary Data
Round | Eliminated | Winners |
Round 1 | ||
Round 2 | CARL BRINES | |
Round 3 | TEANCUM J. CLARK | |
Round 4 | KIRK BEECHER | |
Round 6 | EASTON BRADY | |
Round 1
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
BRIAN V. HULET | 843 votes in the first round | 31.07% 843 votes |
ANNE MOSS | 419 votes in the first round | 15.44% 419 votes |
LACEE MAE SMITH | 376 votes in the first round | 13.86% 376 votes |
EASTON BRADY | 283 votes in the first round | 10.43% 283 votes |
TYLER WILLIAM MOORE | 262 votes in the first round | 9.66% 262 votes |
KIRK BEECHER | 236 votes in the first round | 8.7% 236 votes |
TEANCUM J. CLARK | 170 votes in the first round | 6.27% 170 votes |
CARL BRINES | 124 votes in the first round | 4.57% 124 votes |
Inactive Ballots | All ballots are active in the first round |
Round 2
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
BRIAN V. HULET | Gained 22 votes | 31.92% 865 votes |
ANNE MOSS | Gained 26 votes | 16.42% 445 votes |
LACEE MAE SMITH | Gained 16 votes | 14.46% 392 votes |
EASTON BRADY | Gained 8 votes | 10.74% 291 votes |
TYLER WILLIAM MOORE | Gained 12 votes | 10.11% 274 votes |
KIRK BEECHER | Gained 25 votes | 9.63% 261 votes |
TEANCUM J. CLARK | Gained 12 votes | 6.72% 182 votes |
CARL BRINES | Eliminated: 124 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 3 ballots became inactive |
Round 3
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
BRIAN V. HULET | Gained 34 votes | 33.28% 899 votes |
ANNE MOSS | Gained 37 votes | 17.85% 482 votes |
LACEE MAE SMITH | Gained 32 votes | 15.7% 424 votes |
EASTON BRADY | Gained 37 votes | 12.14% 328 votes |
TYLER WILLIAM MOORE | Gained 21 votes | 10.92% 295 votes |
KIRK BEECHER | Gained 12 votes | 10.11% 273 votes |
TEANCUM J. CLARK | Eliminated: 182 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 9 ballots became inactive |
Round 4
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
BRIAN V. HULET | Gained 96 votes | 37.0% 995 votes |
ANNE MOSS | Gained 53 votes | 19.9% 535 votes |
LACEE MAE SMITH | Gained 35 votes | 17.07% 459 votes |
EASTON BRADY | Gained 37 votes | 13.57% 365 votes |
TYLER WILLIAM MOORE | Gained 40 votes | 12.46% 335 votes |
KIRK BEECHER | Eliminated: 273 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 12 ballots became inactive |
Round 5
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
BRIAN V. HULET | Gained 97 votes | 41.08% 1,092 votes |
ANNE MOSS | Gained 75 votes | 22.95% 610 votes |
LACEE MAE SMITH | Gained 64 votes | 19.68% 523 votes |
EASTON BRADY | Gained 68 votes | 16.29% 433 votes |
TYLER WILLIAM MOORE | Eliminated: 335 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 31 ballots became inactive |
Round 6
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
BRIAN V. HULET | Gained 91 votes | 45.52% 1,183 votes |
ANNE MOSS | Gained 132 votes | 28.55% 742 votes |
LACEE MAE SMITH | Gained 151 votes | 25.93% 674 votes |
EASTON BRADY | Eliminated: 433 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 59 ballots became inactive |
Round 7
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
BRIAN V. HULET | Elected: Gained 201 votes | 55.43% 1,384 votes |
ANNE MOSS | Gained 371 votes | 44.57% 1,113 votes |
LACEE MAE SMITH | Eliminated: 674 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 102 ballots became inactive |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 843.0 first-round votes. | 31.07% 843 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 22 votes from CARL BRINES. | 31.92% 865 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 34 votes from TEANCUM J. CLARK. | 33.28% 899 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 96 votes from KIRK BEECHER. | 37.0% 995 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 97 votes from TYLER WILLIAM MOORE. | 41.08% 1,092 votes |
Round 6 | Gained 91 votes from EASTON BRADY. | 45.52% 1,183 votes |
Round 7 | Elected. Gained 201 votes from LACEE MAE SMITH. | 55.43% 1,384 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 419.0 first-round votes. | 15.44% 419 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 26 votes from CARL BRINES. | 16.42% 445 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 37 votes from TEANCUM J. CLARK. | 17.85% 482 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 53 votes from KIRK BEECHER. | 19.9% 535 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 75 votes from TYLER WILLIAM MOORE. | 22.95% 610 votes |
Round 6 | Gained 132 votes from EASTON BRADY. | 28.55% 742 votes |
Round 7 | Gained 371 votes from LACEE MAE SMITH. | 44.57% 1,113 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 376.0 first-round votes. | 13.86% 376 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 16 votes from CARL BRINES. | 14.46% 392 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 32 votes from TEANCUM J. CLARK. | 15.7% 424 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 35 votes from KIRK BEECHER. | 17.07% 459 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 64 votes from TYLER WILLIAM MOORE. | 19.68% 523 votes |
Round 6 | Gained 151 votes from EASTON BRADY. Eliminated. | 25.93% 674 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 283.0 first-round votes. | 10.43% 283 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 8 votes from CARL BRINES. | 10.74% 291 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 37 votes from TEANCUM J. CLARK. | 12.14% 328 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 37 votes from KIRK BEECHER. | 13.57% 365 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 68 votes from TYLER WILLIAM MOORE. Eliminated. | 16.29% 433 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 262.0 first-round votes. | 9.66% 262 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 12 votes from CARL BRINES. | 10.11% 274 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 21 votes from TEANCUM J. CLARK. | 10.92% 295 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 40 votes from KIRK BEECHER. Eliminated. | 12.46% 335 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 236.0 first-round votes. | 8.7% 236 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 25 votes from CARL BRINES. | 9.63% 261 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 12 votes from TEANCUM J. CLARK. Eliminated. | 10.11% 273 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 170.0 first-round votes. | 6.27% 170 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 12 votes from CARL BRINES. Eliminated. | 6.72% 182 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 124.0 first-round votes. Eliminated. | 4.57% 124 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 0 first-round votes. | 0 ballots |
Round 2 | Gained 3 votes from CARL BRINES. | 3 ballots |
Round 3 | Gained 9 votes from TEANCUM J. CLARK. | 12 ballots |
Round 4 | Gained 12 votes from KIRK BEECHER. | 24 ballots |
Round 5 | Gained 31 votes from TYLER WILLIAM MOORE. | 55 ballots |
Round 6 | Gained 59 votes from EASTON BRADY. | 114 ballots |
Round 7 | Gained 102 votes from LACEE MAE SMITH. | 216 ballots |
Candidate name | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Round 5 | Round 6 | Round 7 |
31.07%843 votes |
31.92%865 votes |
33.28%899 votes |
37.0%995 votes |
41.08%1,092 votes |
45.52%1,183 votes |
55.43%1,384 votes |
15.44%419 votes |
16.42%445 votes |
17.85%482 votes |
19.9%535 votes |
22.95%610 votes |
28.55%742 votes |
44.57%1,113 votes |
13.86%376 votes |
14.46%392 votes |
15.7%424 votes |
17.07%459 votes |
19.68%523 votes |
25.93%674 votes |
10.43%283 votes |
10.74%291 votes |
12.14%328 votes |
13.57%365 votes |
16.29%433 votes |
9.66%262 votes |
10.11%274 votes |
10.92%295 votes |
12.46%335 votes |
8.7%236 votes |
9.63%261 votes |
10.11%273 votes |
6.27%170 votes |
6.72%182 votes |
4.57%124 votes |
Inactive Ballots |
0ballots |
3ballots |
12ballots |
24ballots |
55ballots |
114ballots |
216ballots |
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