Lehi City Council
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
The results of a ranked-choice voting election. | Download Raw Summary Data
Round | Eliminated | Winners |
Round 1 | ||
Round 2 | ETHAN M. ERICKSON | |
Round 5 | AARON BULLEN | |
Round 6 | LORI MCINTOSH LE | |
Round 1
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
PAUL HANCOCK | 2,986 votes in the first round | 27.54% 2,986 votes |
MICHELLE MILES | 1,543 votes in the first round | 14.23% 1,543 votes |
NICOLE KUNZE | 1,580 votes in the first round | 14.57% 1,580 votes |
LORI MCINTOSH LE | 1,304 votes in the first round | 12.03% 1,304 votes |
AARON BULLEN | 1,277 votes in the first round | 11.78% 1,277 votes |
CAMI PURTSCHERT | 1,153 votes in the first round | 10.64% 1,153 votes |
MONTANE C HAMILTON | 596 votes in the first round | 5.5% 596 votes |
ETHAN M. ERICKSON | 402 votes in the first round | 3.71% 402 votes |
Inactive Ballots | All ballots are active in the first round |
Round 2
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
PAUL HANCOCK | Gained 48 votes | 28.04% 3,034 votes |
MICHELLE MILES | Gained 64 votes | 14.85% 1,607 votes |
NICOLE KUNZE | Gained 44 votes | 15.01% 1,624 votes |
LORI MCINTOSH LE | Gained 24 votes | 12.27% 1,328 votes |
AARON BULLEN | Gained 94 votes | 12.67% 1,371 votes |
CAMI PURTSCHERT | Gained 85 votes | 11.44% 1,238 votes |
MONTANE C HAMILTON | Gained 23 votes | 5.72% 619 votes |
ETHAN M. ERICKSON | Eliminated: 402 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 20 ballots became inactive |
Round 3
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
PAUL HANCOCK | Gained 142 votes | 29.37% 3,176 votes |
MICHELLE MILES | Gained 87 votes | 15.66% 1,694 votes |
NICOLE KUNZE | Gained 90 votes | 15.85% 1,714 votes |
LORI MCINTOSH LE | Gained 133 votes | 13.51% 1,461 votes |
AARON BULLEN | Gained 63 votes | 13.26% 1,434 votes |
CAMI PURTSCHERT | Gained 97 votes | 12.35% 1,335 votes |
MONTANE C HAMILTON | Eliminated: 619 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 7 ballots became inactive |
Round 4
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
PAUL HANCOCK | Gained 228 votes | 31.65% 3,404 votes |
MICHELLE MILES | Gained 195 votes | 17.56% 1,889 votes |
NICOLE KUNZE | Gained 376 votes | 19.43% 2,090 votes |
LORI MCINTOSH LE | Gained 238 votes | 15.8% 1,699 votes |
AARON BULLEN | Gained 239 votes | 15.56% 1,673 votes |
CAMI PURTSCHERT | Eliminated: 1,335 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 59 ballots became inactive |
Round 5
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
PAUL HANCOCK | Gained 280 votes | 34.64% 3,684 votes |
MICHELLE MILES | Gained 818 votes | 25.46% 2,707 votes |
NICOLE KUNZE | Gained 261 votes | 22.11% 2,351 votes |
LORI MCINTOSH LE | Gained 193 votes | 17.79% 1,892 votes |
AARON BULLEN | Eliminated: 1,673 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 121 ballots became inactive |
Round 6
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
PAUL HANCOCK | Gained 658 votes | 41.29% 4,342 votes |
MICHELLE MILES | Gained 459 votes | 30.11% 3,166 votes |
NICOLE KUNZE | Gained 656 votes | 28.6% 3,007 votes |
LORI MCINTOSH LE | Eliminated: 1,892 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 119 ballots became inactive |
Round 7
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
PAUL HANCOCK | Elected: Gained 1,525 votes | 56.96% 5,867 votes |
MICHELLE MILES | Gained 1,268 votes | 43.04% 4,434 votes |
NICOLE KUNZE | Eliminated: 3,007 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 214 ballots became inactive |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 2986.0 first-round votes. | 27.54% 2,986 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 48 votes from ETHAN M. ERICKSON. | 28.04% 3,034 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 142 votes from MONTANE C HAMILTON. | 29.37% 3,176 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 228 votes from CAMI PURTSCHERT. | 31.65% 3,404 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 280 votes from AARON BULLEN. | 34.64% 3,684 votes |
Round 6 | Gained 658 votes from LORI MCINTOSH LE. | 41.29% 4,342 votes |
Round 7 | Elected. Gained 1,525 votes from NICOLE KUNZE. | 56.96% 5,867 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 1543.0 first-round votes. | 14.23% 1,543 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 64 votes from ETHAN M. ERICKSON. | 14.85% 1,607 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 87 votes from MONTANE C HAMILTON. | 15.66% 1,694 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 195 votes from CAMI PURTSCHERT. | 17.56% 1,889 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 818 votes from AARON BULLEN. | 25.46% 2,707 votes |
Round 6 | Gained 459 votes from LORI MCINTOSH LE. | 30.11% 3,166 votes |
Round 7 | Gained 1,268 votes from NICOLE KUNZE. | 43.04% 4,434 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 1580.0 first-round votes. | 14.57% 1,580 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 44 votes from ETHAN M. ERICKSON. | 15.01% 1,624 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 90 votes from MONTANE C HAMILTON. | 15.85% 1,714 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 376 votes from CAMI PURTSCHERT. | 19.43% 2,090 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 261 votes from AARON BULLEN. | 22.11% 2,351 votes |
Round 6 | Gained 656 votes from LORI MCINTOSH LE. Eliminated. | 28.6% 3,007 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 1304.0 first-round votes. | 12.03% 1,304 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 24 votes from ETHAN M. ERICKSON. | 12.27% 1,328 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 133 votes from MONTANE C HAMILTON. | 13.51% 1,461 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 238 votes from CAMI PURTSCHERT. | 15.8% 1,699 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 193 votes from AARON BULLEN. Eliminated. | 17.79% 1,892 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 1277.0 first-round votes. | 11.78% 1,277 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 94 votes from ETHAN M. ERICKSON. | 12.67% 1,371 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 63 votes from MONTANE C HAMILTON. | 13.26% 1,434 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 239 votes from CAMI PURTSCHERT. Eliminated. | 15.56% 1,673 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 1153.0 first-round votes. | 10.64% 1,153 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 85 votes from ETHAN M. ERICKSON. | 11.44% 1,238 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 97 votes from MONTANE C HAMILTON. Eliminated. | 12.35% 1,335 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 596.0 first-round votes. | 5.5% 596 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 23 votes from ETHAN M. ERICKSON. Eliminated. | 5.72% 619 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 402.0 first-round votes. Eliminated. | 3.71% 402 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 0 first-round votes. | 0 ballots |
Round 2 | Gained 20 votes from ETHAN M. ERICKSON. | 20 ballots |
Round 3 | Gained 7 votes from MONTANE C HAMILTON. | 27 ballots |
Round 4 | Gained 59 votes from CAMI PURTSCHERT. | 86 ballots |
Round 5 | Gained 121 votes from AARON BULLEN. | 207 ballots |
Round 6 | Gained 119 votes from LORI MCINTOSH LE. | 326 ballots |
Round 7 | Gained 214 votes from NICOLE KUNZE. | 540 ballots |
Candidate name | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Round 5 | Round 6 | Round 7 |
27.54%2,986 votes |
28.04%3,034 votes |
29.37%3,176 votes |
31.65%3,404 votes |
34.64%3,684 votes |
41.29%4,342 votes |
56.96%5,867 votes |
14.23%1,543 votes |
14.85%1,607 votes |
15.66%1,694 votes |
17.56%1,889 votes |
25.46%2,707 votes |
30.11%3,166 votes |
43.04%4,434 votes |
14.57%1,580 votes |
15.01%1,624 votes |
15.85%1,714 votes |
19.43%2,090 votes |
22.11%2,351 votes |
28.6%3,007 votes |
12.03%1,304 votes |
12.27%1,328 votes |
13.51%1,461 votes |
15.8%1,699 votes |
17.79%1,892 votes |
11.78%1,277 votes |
12.67%1,371 votes |
13.26%1,434 votes |
15.56%1,673 votes |
10.64%1,153 votes |
11.44%1,238 votes |
12.35%1,335 votes |
5.5%596 votes |
5.72%619 votes |
3.71%402 votes |
Inactive Ballots |
0ballots |
20ballots |
27ballots |
86ballots |
207ballots |
326ballots |
540ballots |
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