DEM Council Member 3rd Council District

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

The results of a ranked-choice voting election. | Download Raw Summary Data | Source []
Round Eliminated Winners
Round 1
Round 2 Write-Ins
Round 3 Phelan D. Fitzpatrick
Round 4 Marin Halasa
Round 5 Aleta A. LaFargue
Round 6 Leslie Boghosian Murphy

Round 1

Candidate What changed Current total votes
Erik D. Bottcher 13,520 votes in the first round 47.34%
13,520 votes
Arthur Z. Schwartz 4,414 votes in the first round 15.46%
4,414 votes
Leslie Boghosian Murphy 3,903 votes in the first round 13.67%
3,903 votes
Aleta A. LaFargue 2,776 votes in the first round 9.72%
2,776 votes
Marin Halasa 2,225 votes in the first round 7.79%
2,225 votes
Phelan D. Fitzpatrick 1,595 votes in the first round 5.59%
1,595 votes
Write-Ins 125 votes in the first round 0.44%
125 votes

Round 2

Candidate What changed Current total votes
Erik D. Bottcher Gained 16 votes 47.53%
13,536 votes
Arthur Z. Schwartz Gained 7 votes 15.52%
4,421 votes
Leslie Boghosian Murphy Gained 8 votes 13.73%
3,911 votes
Aleta A. LaFargue Gained 8 votes 9.78%
2,784 votes
Marin Halasa Gained 6 votes 7.83%
2,231 votes
Phelan D. Fitzpatrick Gained 2 votes 5.61%
1,597 votes
Write-Ins Eliminated: 125 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive

Round 3

Candidate What changed Current total votes
Erik D. Bottcher Gained 350 votes 49.45%
13,886 votes
Arthur Z. Schwartz Gained 258 votes 16.66%
4,679 votes
Leslie Boghosian Murphy Gained 196 votes 14.63%
4,107 votes
Aleta A. LaFargue Gained 183 votes 10.57%
2,967 votes
Marin Halasa Gained 211 votes 8.7%
2,442 votes
Phelan D. Fitzpatrick Eliminated: 1,597 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive

Round 4

Candidate What changed Current total votes
Erik D. Bottcher Gained 287 votes 51.78%
14,173 votes
Arthur Z. Schwartz Gained 377 votes 18.47%
5,056 votes
Leslie Boghosian Murphy Gained 596 votes 17.18%
4,703 votes
Aleta A. LaFargue Gained 472 votes 12.56%
3,439 votes
Marin Halasa Eliminated: 2,442 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive

Round 5

Candidate What changed Current total votes
Erik D. Bottcher Gained 758 votes 56.82%
14,931 votes
Arthur Z. Schwartz Gained 621 votes 21.6%
5,677 votes
Leslie Boghosian Murphy Gained 966 votes 21.57%
5,669 votes
Aleta A. LaFargue Eliminated: 3,439 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive

Round 6

Candidate What changed Current total votes
Erik D. Bottcher Gained 2,096 votes 71.44%
17,027 votes
Arthur Z. Schwartz Gained 1,129 votes 28.56%
6,806 votes
Leslie Boghosian Murphy Eliminated: 5,669 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive

Erik D. Bottcher

Round What changed Current total votes
Round 1 13520.0 first-round votes. 47.34%
13,520 votes
Round 2 Gained 16 votes from Write-Ins. 47.53%
13,536 votes
Round 3 Gained 350 votes from Phelan D. Fitzpatrick. 49.45%
13,886 votes
Round 4 Gained 287 votes from Marin Halasa. 51.78%
14,173 votes
Round 5 Gained 758 votes from Aleta A. LaFargue. 56.82%
14,931 votes
Round 6 Gained 2,096 votes from Leslie Boghosian Murphy. 71.44%
17,027 votes

Arthur Z. Schwartz

Round What changed Current total votes
Round 1 4414.0 first-round votes. 15.46%
4,414 votes
Round 2 Gained 7 votes from Write-Ins. 15.52%
4,421 votes
Round 3 Gained 258 votes from Phelan D. Fitzpatrick. 16.66%
4,679 votes
Round 4 Gained 377 votes from Marin Halasa. 18.47%
5,056 votes
Round 5 Gained 621 votes from Aleta A. LaFargue. 21.6%
5,677 votes
Round 6 Gained 1,129 votes from Leslie Boghosian Murphy. 28.56%
6,806 votes

Leslie Boghosian Murphy

Round What changed Current total votes
Round 1 3903.0 first-round votes. 13.67%
3,903 votes
Round 2 Gained 8 votes from Write-Ins. 13.73%
3,911 votes
Round 3 Gained 196 votes from Phelan D. Fitzpatrick. 14.63%
4,107 votes
Round 4 Gained 596 votes from Marin Halasa. 17.18%
4,703 votes
Round 5 Gained 966 votes from Aleta A. LaFargue. Eliminated. 21.57%
5,669 votes

Aleta A. LaFargue

Round What changed Current total votes
Round 1 2776.0 first-round votes. 9.72%
2,776 votes
Round 2 Gained 8 votes from Write-Ins. 9.78%
2,784 votes
Round 3 Gained 183 votes from Phelan D. Fitzpatrick. 10.57%
2,967 votes
Round 4 Gained 472 votes from Marin Halasa. Eliminated. 12.56%
3,439 votes

Marin Halasa

Round What changed Current total votes
Round 1 2225.0 first-round votes. 7.79%
2,225 votes
Round 2 Gained 6 votes from Write-Ins. 7.83%
2,231 votes
Round 3 Gained 211 votes from Phelan D. Fitzpatrick. Eliminated. 8.7%
2,442 votes

Phelan D. Fitzpatrick

Round What changed Current total votes
Round 1 1595.0 first-round votes. 5.59%
1,595 votes
Round 2 Gained 2 votes from Write-Ins. Eliminated. 5.61%
1,597 votes


Round What changed Current total votes
Round 1 125.0 first-round votes. Eliminated. 0.44%
125 votes
Candidate name Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6
Erik D. Bottcher


13,520 votes


13,536 votes


13,886 votes


14,173 votes


14,931 votes


17,027 votes
Arthur Z. Schwartz


4,414 votes


4,421 votes


4,679 votes


5,056 votes


5,677 votes


6,806 votes
Leslie Boghosian Murphy


3,903 votes


3,911 votes


4,107 votes


4,703 votes


5,669 votes
Aleta A. LaFargue


2,776 votes


2,784 votes


2,967 votes


3,439 votes
Marin Halasa


2,225 votes


2,231 votes


2,442 votes
Phelan D. Fitzpatrick


1,595 votes


1,597 votes


125 votes

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