Heber City Council 2023 Official Canvass Results - Seat 3
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
The results of a ranked-choice voting election. | Download Raw Summary Data
Round | Eliminated | Winners |
Round 1 | ||
Round 3 | DANNY HILL | |
Round 4 | CASEY POWERS | |
Round 5 | JAMI HEWLETT | |
Round 6 | PAUL ROYALL III | |
Round 7 | TORI E BROUGHTON | |
Round 1
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
SID OSTERGAARD | 602 votes in the first round | 20.67% 602 votes |
CHRISTEN THOMPSON | 383 votes in the first round | 13.15% 383 votes |
NICK LOPEZ | 392 votes in the first round | 13.46% 392 votes |
TORI E BROUGHTON | 408 votes in the first round | 14.01% 408 votes |
PAUL ROYALL III | 388 votes in the first round | 13.32% 388 votes |
JAMI HEWLETT | 312 votes in the first round | 10.71% 312 votes |
CASEY POWERS | 189 votes in the first round | 6.49% 189 votes |
DANNY HILL | 127 votes in the first round | 4.36% 127 votes |
VAUGHN ERIC HOKANSON | 111 votes in the first round | 3.81% 111 votes |
Inactive Ballots | All ballots are active in the first round |
Round 2
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
SID OSTERGAARD | Gained 20 votes | 21.43% 622 votes |
CHRISTEN THOMPSON | Gained 18 votes | 13.82% 401 votes |
NICK LOPEZ | Gained 15 votes | 14.02% 407 votes |
TORI E BROUGHTON | Gained 12 votes | 14.47% 420 votes |
PAUL ROYALL III | Gained 14 votes | 13.85% 402 votes |
JAMI HEWLETT | Gained 13 votes | 11.2% 325 votes |
CASEY POWERS | Gained 6 votes | 6.72% 195 votes |
DANNY HILL | Gained 3 votes | 4.48% 130 votes |
VAUGHN ERIC HOKANSON | Eliminated: 111 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 10 ballots became inactive |
Round 3
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
SID OSTERGAARD | Gained 16 votes | 22.1% 638 votes |
CHRISTEN THOMPSON | Gained 22 votes | 14.65% 423 votes |
NICK LOPEZ | Gained 16 votes | 14.65% 423 votes |
TORI E BROUGHTON | Gained 19 votes | 15.21% 439 votes |
PAUL ROYALL III | Gained 14 votes | 14.41% 416 votes |
JAMI HEWLETT | Gained 12 votes | 11.67% 337 votes |
CASEY POWERS | Gained 16 votes | 7.31% 211 votes |
DANNY HILL | Eliminated: 130 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 15 ballots became inactive |
Round 4
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
SID OSTERGAARD | Gained 50 votes | 23.96% 688 votes |
CHRISTEN THOMPSON | Gained 36 votes | 15.99% 459 votes |
NICK LOPEZ | Gained 33 votes | 15.88% 456 votes |
TORI E BROUGHTON | Gained 19 votes | 15.95% 458 votes |
PAUL ROYALL III | Gained 30 votes | 15.53% 446 votes |
JAMI HEWLETT | Gained 27 votes | 12.68% 364 votes |
CASEY POWERS | Eliminated: 211 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 16 ballots became inactive |
Round 5
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
SID OSTERGAARD | Gained 32 votes | 25.7% 720 votes |
CHRISTEN THOMPSON | Gained 102 votes | 20.02% 561 votes |
NICK LOPEZ | Gained 82 votes | 19.2% 538 votes |
TORI E BROUGHTON | Gained 40 votes | 17.77% 498 votes |
PAUL ROYALL III | Gained 39 votes | 17.31% 485 votes |
JAMI HEWLETT | Eliminated: 364 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 69 ballots became inactive |
Round 6
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
SID OSTERGAARD | Gained 171 votes | 33.09% 891 votes |
CHRISTEN THOMPSON | Gained 57 votes | 22.95% 618 votes |
NICK LOPEZ | Gained 98 votes | 23.62% 636 votes |
TORI E BROUGHTON | Gained 50 votes | 20.35% 548 votes |
PAUL ROYALL III | Eliminated: 485 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 109 ballots became inactive |
Round 7
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
SID OSTERGAARD | Gained 261 votes | 44.24% 1,152 votes |
CHRISTEN THOMPSON | Gained 124 votes | 28.49% 742 votes |
NICK LOPEZ | Gained 74 votes | 27.27% 710 votes |
TORI E BROUGHTON | Eliminated: 548 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 89 ballots became inactive |
Round 8
Candidate | What changed | Current total votes |
SID OSTERGAARD | Elected: Gained 213 votes | 56.2% 1,365 votes |
CHRISTEN THOMPSON | Gained 322 votes | 43.8% 1,064 votes |
NICK LOPEZ | Eliminated: 710 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive | |
Inactive Ballots | 175 ballots became inactive |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 602.0 first-round votes. | 20.67% 602 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 20 votes from VAUGHN ERIC HOKANSON. | 21.43% 622 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 16 votes from DANNY HILL. | 22.1% 638 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 50 votes from CASEY POWERS. | 23.96% 688 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 32 votes from JAMI HEWLETT. | 25.7% 720 votes |
Round 6 | Gained 171 votes from PAUL ROYALL III. | 33.09% 891 votes |
Round 7 | Gained 261 votes from TORI E BROUGHTON. | 44.24% 1,152 votes |
Round 8 | Elected. Gained 213 votes from NICK LOPEZ. | 56.2% 1,365 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 383.0 first-round votes. | 13.15% 383 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 18 votes from VAUGHN ERIC HOKANSON. | 13.82% 401 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 22 votes from DANNY HILL. | 14.65% 423 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 36 votes from CASEY POWERS. | 15.99% 459 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 102 votes from JAMI HEWLETT. | 20.02% 561 votes |
Round 6 | Gained 57 votes from PAUL ROYALL III. | 22.95% 618 votes |
Round 7 | Gained 124 votes from TORI E BROUGHTON. | 28.49% 742 votes |
Round 8 | Gained 322 votes from NICK LOPEZ. | 43.8% 1,064 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 392.0 first-round votes. | 13.46% 392 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 15 votes from VAUGHN ERIC HOKANSON. | 14.02% 407 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 16 votes from DANNY HILL. | 14.65% 423 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 33 votes from CASEY POWERS. | 15.88% 456 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 82 votes from JAMI HEWLETT. | 19.2% 538 votes |
Round 6 | Gained 98 votes from PAUL ROYALL III. | 23.62% 636 votes |
Round 7 | Gained 74 votes from TORI E BROUGHTON. Eliminated. | 27.27% 710 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 408.0 first-round votes. | 14.01% 408 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 12 votes from VAUGHN ERIC HOKANSON. | 14.47% 420 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 19 votes from DANNY HILL. | 15.21% 439 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 19 votes from CASEY POWERS. | 15.95% 458 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 40 votes from JAMI HEWLETT. | 17.77% 498 votes |
Round 6 | Gained 50 votes from PAUL ROYALL III. Eliminated. | 20.35% 548 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 388.0 first-round votes. | 13.32% 388 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 14 votes from VAUGHN ERIC HOKANSON. | 13.85% 402 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 14 votes from DANNY HILL. | 14.41% 416 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 30 votes from CASEY POWERS. | 15.53% 446 votes |
Round 5 | Gained 39 votes from JAMI HEWLETT. Eliminated. | 17.31% 485 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 312.0 first-round votes. | 10.71% 312 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 13 votes from VAUGHN ERIC HOKANSON. | 11.2% 325 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 12 votes from DANNY HILL. | 11.67% 337 votes |
Round 4 | Gained 27 votes from CASEY POWERS. Eliminated. | 12.68% 364 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 189.0 first-round votes. | 6.49% 189 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 6 votes from VAUGHN ERIC HOKANSON. | 6.72% 195 votes |
Round 3 | Gained 16 votes from DANNY HILL. Eliminated. | 7.31% 211 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 127.0 first-round votes. | 4.36% 127 votes |
Round 2 | Gained 3 votes from VAUGHN ERIC HOKANSON. Eliminated. | 4.48% 130 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 111.0 first-round votes. Eliminated. | 3.81% 111 votes |
Round | What changed | Current total votes |
Round 1 | 0 first-round votes. | 0 ballots |
Round 2 | Gained 10 votes from VAUGHN ERIC HOKANSON. | 10 ballots |
Round 3 | Gained 15 votes from DANNY HILL. | 25 ballots |
Round 4 | Gained 16 votes from CASEY POWERS. | 41 ballots |
Round 5 | Gained 69 votes from JAMI HEWLETT. | 110 ballots |
Round 6 | Gained 109 votes from PAUL ROYALL III. | 219 ballots |
Round 7 | Gained 89 votes from TORI E BROUGHTON. | 308 ballots |
Round 8 | Gained 175 votes from NICK LOPEZ. | 483 ballots |
Candidate name | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Round 5 | Round 6 | Round 7 | Round 8 |
20.67%602 votes |
21.43%622 votes |
22.1%638 votes |
23.96%688 votes |
25.7%720 votes |
33.09%891 votes |
44.24%1,152 votes |
56.2%1,365 votes |
13.15%383 votes |
13.82%401 votes |
14.65%423 votes |
15.99%459 votes |
20.02%561 votes |
22.95%618 votes |
28.49%742 votes |
43.8%1,064 votes |
13.46%392 votes |
14.02%407 votes |
14.65%423 votes |
15.88%456 votes |
19.2%538 votes |
23.62%636 votes |
27.27%710 votes |
14.01%408 votes |
14.47%420 votes |
15.21%439 votes |
15.95%458 votes |
17.77%498 votes |
20.35%548 votes |
13.32%388 votes |
13.85%402 votes |
14.41%416 votes |
15.53%446 votes |
17.31%485 votes |
10.71%312 votes |
11.2%325 votes |
11.67%337 votes |
12.68%364 votes |
6.49%189 votes |
6.72%195 votes |
7.31%211 votes |
4.36%127 votes |
4.48%130 votes |
3.81%111 votes |
Inactive Ballots |
0ballots |
10ballots |
25ballots |
41ballots |
110ballots |
219ballots |
308ballots |
483ballots |
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