Who was the greatest New York City mayor of film and television?

Monday, February 8, 2021

The results of a ranked-choice voting election. | Download Raw Summary Data
Round Eliminated Winners
Round 1
Round 2 Mayor Bruce Lincoln (Charles S. Dutton in Aftershock: Earthquake in New York)
Round 3 Mayor Anthony Garcia (Nestor Carbonell in The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises)
Round 4 Mayor Kate Henning (Candice Bergen in Sweet Home Alabama)
Round 5 Mayor John Pappas (Al Pacino in City Hall)
Round 6 Mayor C. Randall Poopenmeyer (David Herman in Futurama) Mayor Lenny (David Margulies in Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II)

Round 1

Candidate What changed Current total votes
Mayor Lenny (David Margulies in Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II) 401 votes in the first round 31.95%
401 votes
The Mayor (James Gandolfini in The Taking of Pelham 123, 2009) 207 votes in the first round 16.49%
207 votes
Mayor C. Randall Poopenmeyer (David Herman in Futurama) 180 votes in the first round 14.34%
180 votes
Mayor John Pappas (Al Pacino in City Hall) 148 votes in the first round 11.79%
148 votes
Mayor Kate Henning (Candice Bergen in Sweet Home Alabama) 140 votes in the first round 11.16%
140 votes
Mayor Anthony Garcia (Nestor Carbonell in The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises) 129 votes in the first round 10.28%
129 votes
Mayor Bruce Lincoln (Charles S. Dutton in Aftershock: Earthquake in New York) 50 votes in the first round 3.98%
50 votes

Round 2

Candidate What changed Current total votes
Mayor Lenny (David Margulies in Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II) Gained 13 votes 33.12%
414 votes
The Mayor (James Gandolfini in The Taking of Pelham 123, 2009) Gained 5 votes 16.96%
212 votes
Mayor C. Randall Poopenmeyer (David Herman in Futurama) Gained 8 votes 15.04%
188 votes
Mayor John Pappas (Al Pacino in City Hall) Gained 6 votes 12.32%
154 votes
Mayor Kate Henning (Candice Bergen in Sweet Home Alabama) Gained 5 votes 11.6%
145 votes
Mayor Anthony Garcia (Nestor Carbonell in The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises) Gained 8 votes 10.96%
137 votes
Mayor Bruce Lincoln (Charles S. Dutton in Aftershock: Earthquake in New York) Eliminated: 50 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive

Round 3

Candidate What changed Current total votes
Mayor Lenny (David Margulies in Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II) Gained 44 votes 37.06%
458 votes
The Mayor (James Gandolfini in The Taking of Pelham 123, 2009) Gained 28 votes 19.42%
240 votes
Mayor C. Randall Poopenmeyer (David Herman in Futurama) Gained 21 votes 16.91%
209 votes
Mayor John Pappas (Al Pacino in City Hall) Gained 18 votes 13.92%
172 votes
Mayor Kate Henning (Candice Bergen in Sweet Home Alabama) Gained 12 votes 12.7%
157 votes
Mayor Anthony Garcia (Nestor Carbonell in The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises) Eliminated: 137 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive

Round 4

Candidate What changed Current total votes
Mayor Lenny (David Margulies in Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II) Gained 33 votes 40.55%
491 votes
The Mayor (James Gandolfini in The Taking of Pelham 123, 2009) Gained 41 votes 23.2%
281 votes
Mayor C. Randall Poopenmeyer (David Herman in Futurama) Gained 32 votes 19.9%
241 votes
Mayor John Pappas (Al Pacino in City Hall) Gained 26 votes 16.35%
198 votes
Mayor Kate Henning (Candice Bergen in Sweet Home Alabama) Eliminated: 157 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive

Round 5

Candidate What changed Current total votes
Mayor Lenny (David Margulies in Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II) Gained 52 votes 46.1%
543 votes
The Mayor (James Gandolfini in The Taking of Pelham 123, 2009) Gained 92 votes 31.66%
373 votes
Mayor C. Randall Poopenmeyer (David Herman in Futurama) Gained 21 votes 22.24%
262 votes
Mayor John Pappas (Al Pacino in City Hall) Eliminated: 198 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive

Round 6

Candidate What changed Current total votes
Mayor Lenny (David Margulies in Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II) Elected: Gained 124 votes 59.08%
667 votes
The Mayor (James Gandolfini in The Taking of Pelham 123, 2009) Gained 89 votes 40.92%
462 votes
Mayor C. Randall Poopenmeyer (David Herman in Futurama) Eliminated: 262 votes redistributed to remaining candidates or became inactive

Mayor Lenny (David Margulies in Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II)

Round What changed Current total votes
Round 1 401.0 first-round votes. 31.95%
401 votes
Round 2 Gained 13 votes from Mayor Bruce Lincoln (Charles S. Dutton in Aftershock: Earthquake in New York). 33.12%
414 votes
Round 3 Gained 44 votes from Mayor Anthony Garcia (Nestor Carbonell in The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises). 37.06%
458 votes
Round 4 Gained 33 votes from Mayor Kate Henning (Candice Bergen in Sweet Home Alabama). 40.55%
491 votes
Round 5 Gained 52 votes from Mayor John Pappas (Al Pacino in City Hall). 46.1%
543 votes
Round 6 Elected. Gained 124 votes from Mayor C. Randall Poopenmeyer (David Herman in Futurama). 59.08%
667 votes

The Mayor (James Gandolfini in The Taking of Pelham 123, 2009)

Round What changed Current total votes
Round 1 207.0 first-round votes. 16.49%
207 votes
Round 2 Gained 5 votes from Mayor Bruce Lincoln (Charles S. Dutton in Aftershock: Earthquake in New York). 16.96%
212 votes
Round 3 Gained 28 votes from Mayor Anthony Garcia (Nestor Carbonell in The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises). 19.42%
240 votes
Round 4 Gained 41 votes from Mayor Kate Henning (Candice Bergen in Sweet Home Alabama). 23.2%
281 votes
Round 5 Gained 92 votes from Mayor John Pappas (Al Pacino in City Hall). 31.66%
373 votes
Round 6 Gained 89 votes from Mayor C. Randall Poopenmeyer (David Herman in Futurama). 40.92%
462 votes

Mayor C. Randall Poopenmeyer (David Herman in Futurama)

Round What changed Current total votes
Round 1 180.0 first-round votes. 14.34%
180 votes
Round 2 Gained 8 votes from Mayor Bruce Lincoln (Charles S. Dutton in Aftershock: Earthquake in New York). 15.04%
188 votes
Round 3 Gained 21 votes from Mayor Anthony Garcia (Nestor Carbonell in The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises). 16.91%
209 votes
Round 4 Gained 32 votes from Mayor Kate Henning (Candice Bergen in Sweet Home Alabama). 19.9%
241 votes
Round 5 Gained 21 votes from Mayor John Pappas (Al Pacino in City Hall). Eliminated. 22.24%
262 votes

Mayor John Pappas (Al Pacino in City Hall)

Round What changed Current total votes
Round 1 148.0 first-round votes. 11.79%
148 votes
Round 2 Gained 6 votes from Mayor Bruce Lincoln (Charles S. Dutton in Aftershock: Earthquake in New York). 12.32%
154 votes
Round 3 Gained 18 votes from Mayor Anthony Garcia (Nestor Carbonell in The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises). 13.92%
172 votes
Round 4 Gained 26 votes from Mayor Kate Henning (Candice Bergen in Sweet Home Alabama). Eliminated. 16.35%
198 votes

Mayor Kate Henning (Candice Bergen in Sweet Home Alabama)

Round What changed Current total votes
Round 1 140.0 first-round votes. 11.16%
140 votes
Round 2 Gained 5 votes from Mayor Bruce Lincoln (Charles S. Dutton in Aftershock: Earthquake in New York). 11.6%
145 votes
Round 3 Gained 12 votes from Mayor Anthony Garcia (Nestor Carbonell in The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises). Eliminated. 12.7%
157 votes

Mayor Anthony Garcia (Nestor Carbonell in The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises)

Round What changed Current total votes
Round 1 129.0 first-round votes. 10.28%
129 votes
Round 2 Gained 8 votes from Mayor Bruce Lincoln (Charles S. Dutton in Aftershock: Earthquake in New York). Eliminated. 10.96%
137 votes

Mayor Bruce Lincoln (Charles S. Dutton in Aftershock: Earthquake in New York)

Round What changed Current total votes
Round 1 50.0 first-round votes. Eliminated. 3.98%
50 votes
Candidate name Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6
Mayor Lenny (David Margulies in Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II)


401 votes


414 votes


458 votes


491 votes


543 votes


667 votes
The Mayor (James Gandolfini in The Taking of Pelham 123, 2009)


207 votes


212 votes


240 votes


281 votes


373 votes


462 votes
Mayor C. Randall Poopenmeyer (David Herman in Futurama)


180 votes


188 votes


209 votes


241 votes


262 votes
Mayor John Pappas (Al Pacino in City Hall)


148 votes


154 votes


172 votes


198 votes
Mayor Kate Henning (Candice Bergen in Sweet Home Alabama)


140 votes


145 votes


157 votes
Mayor Anthony Garcia (Nestor Carbonell in The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises)


129 votes


137 votes
Mayor Bruce Lincoln (Charles S. Dutton in Aftershock: Earthquake in New York)


50 votes

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